Hannah's One Year Session
Hannah! What a stinker.
I’ve been with this family for 5 years, shooting everything from their girls’ newborn photos to birthday parties, family pictures and everything in between. This baby Hannah is SO different than her sister, Aleena. She is cautious and observes before warming up.
Hannah at one year. 2019.
Aleena, on the other hand, is the hammiest of hams - always cheesing for the camera. Not a care in the world. Makes sure everyone always knows what she’s thinking. Spunk city!
Aleena at one year. 2015.
We chose to do Hannah’s one year session at my home studio for a few reasons. We wanted to do some cake smash pictures with a studio background and because April weather in Michigan is always iffy, we had the studio as a backup for solo shots if it was too cold outside. Thankfully we were able to get outside for a few shots and I took them to one of my favorite spots in my neighborhood. Hannah’s mama bought all these balloons to set up the most adorable scene, but alas… Hannah didn’t love the balloons or being in the basket so we got “the shot” and moved on.
Then we went back in to the studio for the cake smash photos. Let’s just say, the cake was all we needed to make Hannah happy. She loved the dairy-free cake from Yummy Cupcakes in Bloomfield Hills… and so did I. It was flipping delish. Super moist, great frosting, really good flavor. Definitely worth a try if you’re in the area.
Sharing with my strange. ever-photobombing cat, Finn.
And just for kicks, here’s a little sample of some of our other sessions!
Hannah at one week. 2018.
Aleena at 3. 2017.
Last fall, 2018. Aleena 4.5 and Hannah 6 months.
Location: Our studio in Royal Oak • Cake: Yummy Cupcakes • Pink romper: Ruffle Butts • Hat and cake topper: Cutest Little Party • Newborn headband: Annie’s Handmade